Category: Controls

Custom Adaptation Camera

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This Camera is a custom adaptation designed for those individuals with quadriplegics to film productions independently. It was designed for Bob Ness, a video producer for 20-plus years, and this adaption allows him to use a physical camera. The team used existing products and components and adapted a camera tripod mounted to a lamp to counterbalance the weight of the camera - that allows him to position his camera anywhere in space. He can now lift up-down, side-to-side, tilt and change the angle of the camera. They introduced a stabilizer that keeps the camera level with the horizon at all times to deal with uneven terrain. The camera will be controlled by an existing Sony app which has all features to film by remote operation.


Price Check
as of: 
Camera | Team Bob

Made By:

Tikkun Olam Makers
Organization Type: 

TOM:Tikkun Olam Makers is a global movement of communities connecting makers, designers, developers and engineers with people with disabilities (aka - 'Need-Knowers') to develop technological solutions for everyday challenges. Designs are free and available for any user to adapt for their needs!


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Custom Adaptation
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