Frequently Asked Questions on Searching the Network of Care Database of Assistive Technology

The following questions are from users like you. Click on a question to see its answer. If you don't find your question on this page, E-mail us! We'll answer your question by the next business day.


Architectural Elements

Blind and Low Vision




Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Home Management

Personal Care


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Vocational Management

Wheeled Mobility

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Most products listed in the database intended for children have the indexing term "pediatric" assigned to them. To find all such products, simply do a Keyword Search on that word. To find a specific kind of product for children, select Boolean Search and enter "pediatric" in the first box and the type of product in the second box (e.g., powered wheelchair, game, bath chair, etc.). The database also includes a section on toys and a keyword search can be performed specifically for those records.

Yes. Many of those types of products have the indexing term "one hand" attached to them. To find all such products, simply do a Keyword Search for that phrase.

You may be using software that intercepts downloads such as GetRight.  This software interferes with the webserver's database software.  We are working on a fix for this, but for now, we strongly recommend that you temporarily disable GetRight (or a similar program) when you want to search the database.

Architectural Elements

Try a Keyword Search for "exterior wheelchair lift."

Enter a Keyword Search for "emergency alert system."

Blind and Low Vision

There are several ways to perform this search. To find all braille printers, enter a Keyword Search for "braille printer." For those who know of a particular brand name, a Brand Name Search on the name of the product can be performed. A Boolean Search with "braille printer" in the first box and the name of a company in the second box would yield all braille printers manufactured/distributed by that company.

Perform a Keyword Search on "travel canes." This search will locate the records for the complete range of canes available for persons with visual disabilities.

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There are two search strategies that may assist you. First, do a Brand Name Search on "tactile symbols." It may also be helpful to do a Keyword Search for "tactile communicat*" (including the asterisk).

Enter a Keyword Search for "page turners."

There are a number of headsets, adapted telephones, and voice activated telephones listed in the database. To get an idea of the range of products available, enter a Boolean Search with "special transmission telephones" in the first box, click on the drop-down menu beside the second box and select OR, and enter "special dialing telephones" in the second box. Click on the drop-down menu beside the third box and select OR, and then enter "telephone headset" in the box.

Perform a Boolean search by entering "speakerphone" in the first box and "computers" in the second box. Leave the dropdown menu beside the second box set on AND.


Select Boolean Search. In the first box, enter "one hand" and in the second box, enter "keyboard."

To focus the search, do a Boolean Search. In the first box enter "computers" and in the second box enter "optical pointer."

Select Boolean Search and enter "voice input program" in the first box, enter "software" in the second box, and enter "voice input" in the third box. This search will get the full range of programs of this type currently listed in the database. If pricing information has been provided, it will be included in each product record.

There are a wide variety of adapted mice and mouse emulator programs available. Choose Keyword Search and enter "mouse." This search will provide information about sip-and-puff operated mice, mice operated by head movements, voice-operated mice, trackballs, mouse emulator programs, and more.

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It might be helpful to investigate the various environmental control units available. Enter a Keyword Search for "environmental control unit."

Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Enter the following Boolean search: In the first box type "telephones"; in the second box type "deaf and hard of hearing."

For hearing aid information, follow the same procedure, but change the first box to "hearing aids."

TAP for Telephone provides basic voice telephone calling (both sending and receiving) and telephone alerting devices for individuals with disabilities in the state of Missouri through the delivery of adaptive telephone equipment" For additional information go to :

Home Management

To find the various beds listed in the database, select Boolean Search.  In the first box, enter "motorized bed."  Click on the menu box beside the second box and choose OR; then enter "manual adjustable bed".

Do a Boolean Search with "seat lift chair" in the first box and "reclin*" in the second box (make sure to include the asterisk).

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Personal Care

Select Keyword Search and enter "Women's Clothing" for your search.

Note: The search can be further narrowed by doing a Boolean Search with "Women's Clothing" in the first box and "Outerwear", "Nightwear", or "Underwear."  Similar searches may also be performed for men's clothing, children's clothing, and outdoor clothing.

To find these products, try a keyword search on "boots."  To make the search more specific, do a Boolean Search with "boots" in the first box and "wheelchair" in the second box.

Enter a Keyword Search on "colostomy" to get the records for related products.

There are a few manuals on eating skills included in the database. To locate these, choose Keyword Search and enter "Manual on Eating Skills for Blind". There are also many adaptive utensils and dishes listed which may be helpful. To view these records, enter separate Keyword Searches on "utensils" and "dishes."


To find the camera mounts listed in the database, do a Keyword Search on "camera mount."

There are indeed adaptive gardening tools available.  To access the section of the database with those items, do a Keyword Search on "gardening." 


Enter a Keyword Search on "hand controls."

Choose Keyword Search and enter "trunk mounted wheelchair loader."

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Vocational Management

There are a number of accessible computer desks, tables, and workstations.  To get the broadest overview, do a Boolean Search:
Enter "computer workcenter" in the first box.
Select OR from the dropdown menu beside the second box and enter "computer table" in the second box.

Wheeled Mobility

Choose Company Search and enter "Quickie."

Enter a Keyword Search on "adult wheelchair."

Enter a Boolean Search with "powered wheelchair" in the first box; choose NOT from the drop-down menu beside the second box and enter "Accessories" in the second box. To find out about scooters, repeat the same search, but substitute the word "scooter" for "powered wheelchair" in the first box.