Category: Controls

Finger-mounted reading device

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The Finger-mounted reading device is a prototype with a built-in camera that converts written text into audio for visually impaired users. The device provides feedback — either tactile or audible — that guides the user’s finger along a line of text, and the system generates the corresponding audio in real time.

Technical Specifications: 

Compatibility: iPhones, iPads and Android devices.

Software: iOS and android.

Color: White.


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Finger-mounted reading device

Made By:

Media Lab Asia
Organization Type: 

MLAsia was founded by India's Department of Information Technology as a not-for-profit research and development organization. Through a network of national laboratories dedicated to bring the benefits of new technologies to the masses, MLAsia will work with industry, NGOs and the Indian government and facilitate the invention, refinement and dissemination of the innovations to every village of India by combining the creativity of Indian entrepreneurs with the technical know-how of universities to grow sustainable, culturally appropriate solutions. MLAsia supports a wide range of research for people with disabilities.

Fax: 91-22-2837-9158
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 

Sold By:

Media Lab Asia
Organization Type: 

MLAsia was founded by India's Department of Information Technology as a not-for-profit research and development organization. Through a network of national laboratories dedicated to bring the benefits of new technologies to the masses, MLAsia will work with industry, NGOs and the Indian government and facilitate the invention, refinement and dissemination of the innovations to every village of India by combining the creativity of Indian entrepreneurs with the technical know-how of universities to grow sustainable, culturally appropriate solutions. MLAsia supports a wide range of research for people with disabilities.

Fax: 91-22-2837-9158
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 