Category: Controls


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The BallotCall is a call signal system designed for use in polling places by voters with disabilities. The system provides a means for voters with disabilities to alert election officials when they need assistance. This temporary alert system can be used in government facilities, permanent polling locations and private facilities or venues that are outside of election officials' control. The BallotCall system includes a BigBell wireless alert system (see separate entry) with an oversized touch pad, an LED activation light, and a receiver that can be placed near election judges. The BigBell touch pad can be placed in a variety of locations in and around a polling place where a voter may need assistance, including the entrance, the parking lot and the voting booth. BallotCall also included several optional tools to make polling places accessible. These tools include a post and bracket provide a temporary mount with a durable base for the BigBell and a large sign that can be mounted on any flat surface; the post extends to ADA-appropriate height. Also included is a sign reading "Ring Bell for Voting Assistance," marked with the international access symbol, and a guide to educate election judges on serving voters with disabilities and using the system. The system collapses for storage in a durable hard case with custom protective foam. OPTIONS: Accessible on-site voting with curbside solutions using wifi Internet (electUniversal) or phone (electAccess); accessible absentee voting site; and materials for an accessible voting site for military personnel abroad and any voter needing absentee voting from afar.


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Inclusion Solutions Llc
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Phone: 866-232-5487
Fax: 847-869-2515
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Architectural Elements