Category: Controls

QuadMouse Mouth, Chin Or Tongue Mouse Controller

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The QuadMouse is a chin, lip, or tongue switch designed for use by individuals with severe physical or neurological disabilities, upper extremity amputation, or spinal cord injury. This switch allows access to a computer or other device with a 0.25-inch movement of chin, lips, or tongue. It connects to a device using a USB port. The QuadMouse allows the user to move the pointer and click, double click and right click using the built-in secondary joystick or the included ClickAssist software. It also has built-in speed adjustment feature to accommodate different skill levels. The user can type with the included on-screen keyboard or voice-recognition software. The QuadMouse can be used simultaneously with other mouse, joysticks, or game controllers. It includes an adjustable 3rd Hand Desktop Mount (see separate entry) with 4 degrees of freedom so the QuadMouse can move 4 to 18 inches above the desk surface and up to 12 inches in front of the desk. A user manual is included. OPTIONS: Mouthpiece variety pack; clamp base for bed or desk or wheelchair armrest; bite switch, dual pushbutton switches, sip & puff switches, eyebrow switch on GimpGear hat, or muscle twitch switch with mounting modification. COMPATIBILITY: Driverless support for Windows, Linux, or Macintosh computers. DIMENSIONS (HxWxD): 2 x 4 x 1 inches.


Price Check
as of: 
QuadMouse Mouth, Chin Or Tongue Mouse Controller

Made By:

Broadened Horizons, Inc. - Gimpgear
Organization Type: 
Phone: 1-855-276-2336

Sold By:

Broadened Horizons, Inc. - Gimpgear
Organization Type: 
Phone: 1-855-276-2336