Category: Controls

Vivo! Controller

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The Vivo! Controller is an environmental control unit designed for use by individuals with mobility or severe physical disabilities or spinal cord injury. This wheelchair-mountable unit is configurable to control the environment, make telephone calls, answer and unlock the door, or contact caregivers. It has more than 1,000 functions, and can operate as a remote control with infrared or radio control output, or as a wired switch control with one or two switch scanning methods. It has a full color TFT dynamic display with text- or symbol- based menus that can be adjusted in size or color. Other features include a digital telephone/intercom with built-in loudspeaker; headphones and microphone for privacy; auditory scanning (voice or tones); external volume and scan speed adjustment; communication with recordable messages; message menus for phone/intercom or for any other category; and a clock, with ten timers for voice reminders or for operating appliances. The system includes a remote switch with tactile feedback and with jack sockets for external inputs. POWER: Uses rechargeable bastteries. Remote switch uses double-A batteries.


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Vivo! Controller

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Possum Controls Ltd.
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