Category: Controls

Sspt (Single Switch Performance Test)

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SSPT (Single Switch Performance Test) is a control switch assessment program designed with use by individuals who use a single switch control with an alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) device. This software facilitates measurement of the ability to activate a single switch, including the average time required to activate or release the switch (following visual and/or audio prompts) and the speed of repetitive activations. The switch under test is connected to the computer as a mouse button. This is generally done with a traditional computer mouse that has been modified by adding a switch jack. The program is available in Visual Basic or Java versions. COMPATIBILITY: For use on IBM and compatible or Macintosh computers. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: The Visual Basic program runs on a PC with Windows. The Java program can run on a Macintosh or on a PC that has the Java Runtime Environment.


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Adaptive Computing Lab - Millersville University
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The purpose of this facility is to provide research, development, training, and support in the general area of human-computer interaction, and the specific area of adaptive (assistive) technologies for those with disabilities. The goal of this lab is to bridge the gap between computer science and disability services (including areas such as speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, and rehabilitation engineering) by helping to make AT easier to understand and use through research and development, as well as by providing training to end users, AT developers, parents, teachers, and computing professionals. These facilities provide support to university students, staff, and faculty, as well as the community at large.

Fax: 717-872-3149
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 

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Aac Institute
Organization Type: 

The AAC Institute, established in 2000, is a resource for all who are interested in enhancing the communication of people who rely on AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). A not-for-profit charitable organization, the AAC Institute offers information and provides services worldwide.

Phone (U.S. and Canada): 