Category: Controls

Thermostat Adaptation

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"DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY --- PURPOSE: To enable people with low vision or who use wheelchairs to see where a thermostat is set. To adapt a round, dial-style thermostat, set the thermostat to a temperature that is normally comfortable. Put glue at the 12 o'clock and six o'clock positions on the thermostat and place the dowel on the glue so the top of the dowel is at the 12 o'clock position. Tape in place. When the glue dries, remove the tape. To further adapt the thermostat, put numbers on the wall to correspond to the numbers on the dial and by moving the dowel, the temperature can be adjusted to the desired level. MATERIALS: One dowel rod approximately 18 inches long, glue that bonds to both plastic and wood, adhesive tape, and a felt tip pen or small house numbers to mark temperatures on the wall (optional). TOOLS: None. SKILLS REQUIRED: Assembly. TITLE: Adapting a Thermostat. WEB SITE: TechConnect, Illinois Assistive Technology Project at . REF: Ten Dollar Tech Ideas. TechConnect, Illinois Assistive Technology Project, can also be contacted at 1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 100, Springfield, Illinois 62701; 800-852-5110 voice/TTY, IL only; 217-522-7985 voice; 217-522-9966 TTY; 217-522-8067 Fax.


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