Category: Controls

Switch Driver

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Switch Driver is an alternative computer control switch program for people with fine motor, neurological or upper extremity disabilities and others who use one or more switches to access a computer. Switch Driver allows the user to configure each switch connected to a computer through a serial or USB port. For each switch, the user can direct that it press a key on the keyboard (with shift, alt or control); press a button on the mouse or move the mouse; press a button on the joystick or move the joystick (USB only); or set up a 'preset action for special tasks or for software that needs an unusual set of inputs. The user also can configure the key repeat rate and pointer movement speed for each switch as well as setting it to ignore accidental presses of the switch. For computers with multiple users, different switch profiles can be saved.


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Contact manufacturer

Switch Driver

Made By:

Sensory Software International Ltd.
Organization Type: 
Fax: -580508
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 
Educational Management