Category: Controls

Pre-Writing Switch.

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--- "DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY ------- PURPOSE: A child using a metal bolt as a writing implement can activate a tape player or other device by tracing the appropriate path on a metal cookie sheet. This activity strengthens fine motor and grasping skills. Describes a motion detection switch, constructed by soldering a subminiature plug to one end of a 4 inch conductor wire and wrapping the other end tightly around a 4 inch long metal bolt. Simple paths or letters are cut from paper or cardboard and taped to the cookie sheet. The switch will activate the tape player if the bolt touches the cookie sheet. Includes diagrams. COMMENTS: Tape players are more effective than toys or lights as positive reinforcement because they allow the child to continue to focus on the writing task. SKILLS REQUIRED: Soldering. AUTHOR: Burkhart, L J TITLE: More Homemade Battery Devices for Severely Handicapped Children with Suggested Activities REF: Millville, Pennsylvania: Linda J Burkhart: p 61-63 NARIC CALL NUMBER: R2509 PAGES ( including cover): 4 1982.


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