Category: Controls

Pressure Switch.

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--- "DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY ------- PURPOSE: Switch activated by light pressure on the top surface, sturdy enough to be sat or stood on, with a wide variety of uses, including weight bearing and cause and effect training. Switch, about 7 by 10 by 2 inches, made of masonite or hardboard, two conductor 22 gauge stranded wire, a subminiature plug, a subminiroller lever switch and foam rubber. Includes photograph, instructions and diagrams. Describes a variation (lack of pressure turns on the switch) and possible uses. SKILLS REQUIRED: Woodworking. Soldering. Electronics. Assembly. AUTHOR: Burkhart, L J TITLE: More Homemade Batttery Devices for Severely Handicapped Children with Suggested Activities REF: Millville, Pennsylvania: Linda J Burkhart: p 6-9 NARIC CALL NUMBER: R2509 PAGES (including cover): 5 1982.


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