Category: Controls

Canning Lid Switch With Light.

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--- "DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY ------- PURPOSE: Light can be turned on with the light pressure of hand on the jar lid. Simple switch to teach cause and effect. Device is constructed from mayonnaise jar lid that is regular mason size, wide mouth canning jar ring, spring from inside a large curler, plastic pill bottle with snap lid, 3 pieces of plastic coated wire, sturdy box turned upside down, 9 volt light bulb with socket, 9 volt battery, and 9 volt snap battery holder. COMMENTS: Good for visually impaired children for teaching cause and effect relationships and getting the child interested in lights. For children who enjoy noises a buzzer of some type may be used in place of light. SKILLS REQUIRED: Soldering. AUTHOR: Burkhart, L J TITLE: Homemade Battery Powered Toys and Educational Devices for Severely Handicapped Children REF: Millville, Pennsylvania: Linda J Burkhart: p 22-24 NARIC CALL NUMBER: R1175 PAGES (including cover): 4 1982.


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