Category: Controls

Large Area Flap Switch To Control Battery-Operated Toys.

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--- "DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY ------- PURPOSE: Simple to operate switch to modify a battery operated toy so it can be used by a disabled child. Describes a large area push switch as a modification of the on- off switch for a toy. It consists of two pieces of plywood hinged together on one side with a simple contact switch or microswitch between them, and a strip of self-adhesive open cell foam tape keeping the top board from touching the bottom, thus activating the switch, unless it is pressed down. Includes list of materials and drawings. SKILLS REQUIRED: Woodworking. Electronics. AUTHOR: Shein, G F; Mandel, A R TITLE: Large Area Flap Switch to Control Battery-Operated Toys JOURNAL: American Journal of Occupational Therapy REF: Vol 36 no 2, Feb 1982: p 107-110 PAGES (including cover): 4 1982.


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