Category: Controls

Early & Advanced Switch Games

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Early and Advanced Switch Games is a control switch training program designed to provide training in the use of single switches for children with upper extremity disabilities. This program includes 19 games and activities ranging from cause and effect through following directions and matching, and up to using the switch to make a funny face and print it out. Examples of games included are Noises, which provides instant positive reinforcement on switch activation; Build-A-Scene, which adds a part of a picture every time the switch is pressed; and an advanced set of games that require counting, matching, and manipulation. User name, reaction speed, and type of scanning can be selected and saved. This program can be accessed using a switch, a touch screen, mouseclick, or keyboard spacebar. COMPATIBILITY: Versions are available for use on Apple II computers, Macintosh computers, or IBM and compatible computers


Price Check
as of: 
Early & Advanced Switch Games

Made By:

Rj Cooper & Associates
Organization Type: 

Our company is based upon the continuing work of RJ Cooper, M.Ed. - ASD, creating and adapting, researching, assessing, and helping to implement special needs technology since 1983!  Considered one of the 'pioneers' of the field of Assistive Technology (AT), his 33 years of hands-on experience of trying to fit technology to persons with *any* ability, and of *any* age, allows him to come up with reasonably priced, practical solutions. We are flattered that most believe our company has a good heart and truly wants to help :-)

Phone: 800-752-6673
Fax: 949-582-3169
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 
Controls, Recreation, Computers

Sold By:

Enablemart (A Division Of School Health Corporation)
Organization Type: 
Phone: 888-640-1999
Fax: 800-235-1305
Communication, Computers