Category: Controls

Children's Switch Progressions

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Children's Switch Progressions (formerly R.J.'s Switch Progressions) is a control switch training program designed for use by children with upper extremity and cognitive disabilities. This program offers seven activities for training in the use of single switches (or a touch screen). The activities progress from requiring that a switch be activated randomly to requiring that the switch be activated at specifically timed intervals. Skills developed include understanding cause/effect and attending to an extended task (levels 0 and 1), following directions (level 2), and responding to visual prompts (level 3). Each activity can be conducted at any of the three levels. Other adjustable parameters include reaction speed, penalty for inattention or inappropriate switch activation, length of reinforcement, release (reinforcement upon switch hit or release), and auditory feedback as optional reinforcement. This program can be accessed with a switch, the keyboard spacebar, a touch screen, or MouseClick (see separate entry). The graphics are age appropriate and the program enable the user to record music for use with the program. COMPATIBILITY: For use on IBM and compatible computers or Apple Macintosh computers.


Price Check
as of: 
Children's Switch Progressions

Made By:

Rj Cooper & Associates
Organization Type: 

Our company is based upon the continuing work of RJ Cooper, M.Ed. - ASD, creating and adapting, researching, assessing, and helping to implement special needs technology since 1983!  Considered one of the 'pioneers' of the field of Assistive Technology (AT), his 33 years of hands-on experience of trying to fit technology to persons with *any* ability, and of *any* age, allows him to come up with reasonably priced, practical solutions. We are flattered that most believe our company has a good heart and truly wants to help :-)

Phone: 800-752-6673
Fax: 949-582-3169
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 
Controls, Recreation, Computers

Sold By:

Enabling Devices
Organization Type: 
Phone: 800-832-8697
Fax: 914-747-3509
Phone (U.S. and Canada): 
Controls, Vocational Management, Therapeutic Aids, Blind & Low Vision, Recreation, Personal Care, Computers, Wheeled Mobility