Category: Controls

Imperium 200H Environmental Control System

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The Imperium 200H Environmental Control System is an environmental control unit designed to provide both visual and voice feedback for individuals with disabilities. Engineered for dual capability at either home or a care facility, this unit is designed to control up to 256 lights and appliances, including televisions, video cassette recorders, compact disc players, electronic bed controls, nurse-call systems, and the optional tape recorder. Extra relays for such items as a powered door opener and a page turner are included with the system. The system also includes a built-in telephone with headset. This telephone offers speed dial, call waiting, ten-number memory, redial, and volume control. The telephone may be set to tone or pulse dialing and prefixes can be included with phone number selection.Other standard system features include customized menus, user-adjustable volume, limited augmentative speech capability, and battery backup. The complete system includes the main unit, display and display mount gooseneck, power supply, connection cables, microphone with lapel clip, One for All Six universal remote control, five X-10 modules (one Powerline interface, three appliance modules, and one lamp modules), an accessory cable with unfinished connector, headphones, power strip, and an instructional video and user manual. OPTIONS: System tape recorder, switches and bed cables.


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Imperium 200H Environmental Control System

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Ablenet, Inc.
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Phone: 800-322-0956
Fax: 651-294-2259
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Controls, Recreation, Communication, Computers