Disability Issues/Assistance

    Results: 24

  • Assistive Technology Equipment (12)

    Assistive Technology Equipment


    Programs that pay for or provide equipment, appliances and assistive aids that enable people, including those who have physical or sensory limitations, to increase their mobility and/or ability to communicate and live more comfortably.
  • Blind Mobility Aids (1)

    Blind Mobility Aids


    Programs that pay for or provide aids such as long canes, laser canes, compasses and raised maps which facilitate the ability of blind people to move safely and efficiently in the school, home or community environment.
  • Brain Disorders (1)

    Brain Disorders


    Any of a variety of conditions that are characterized by significant impairment of brain tissue and resultant loss of brain function including degenerative illnesses (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and other cerebrovascular accidents), genetic variations or mutations that affect the development and functioning of the brain either in utero or following birth, traumatic brain injury, post infection damage, brain tumors, and permanent damage that occurs as a result of seizures, substance toxicity or other disorders as well as conditions affecting the brain that are present prior to birth.
  • Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers (1)

    Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers


    Community-based day programs that provide social and recreational opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities who generally have acquired most basic self-care skills, have some ability to interact with others, are able to make their needs known and respond to instructions. The programs use social and recreational activities to help participants develop and maintain basic functional skills, though most will remain in the program on a long-term basis rather than transitioning to more independent settings.
  • Disability Associations (3)

    Disability Associations


    Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the disability field and have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Many disability associations also include individuals with disabilities and their families in their membership. Disability associations may also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public. Included are associations that focus on a specific disability such as autism or brain injuries; and those that address a broad range of disability issues.
  • Disability Related Parenting Programs (2)

    Disability Related Parenting Programs


    Programs that provide educational and supportive services for parents with disabilities and/or parents of children with disabilities who want to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be effective in their parenting role.
  • Disability Related Transportation (2)

    Disability Related Transportation


    Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities who need special accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Also included are programs that provide transportation for youngsters with disabilities who have no other means of accessing necessary specialized services and activities. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts.
  • Disability Rights Groups (2)

    Disability Rights Groups


    Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of people who have physical, mental, developmental or learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population.
  • Disease/Disability Information (2)

    Disease/Disability Information


    Programs that provide information about the causes and origins, preventive measures, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management including the latest research for specific illnesses or disabling conditions.
  • Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays (4)

    Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays


    Programs that identify infants, toddlers and in some cases, preschoolers who show evidence of or are at risk for lags in physical development, cognitive development, language and speech development, psychosocial development or self-help skills, and provide or coordinate the delivery of an enrichment program in order to minimize the potential for a developmental delay and to meet their current developmental needs. The program may include early identification activities (child find); a developmental evaluation; a review of family concerns, priorities and resources; meetings with the family to develop an individualized family service plan; service coordination to ensure that the individual and his or her family receive needed services which may include but are not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, health/medical services, nursing services, nutrition services, psychological services including specialized play groups or therapy sessions, counseling, speech and language assistance, special instructional services, transportation, and parenting skills development; and ongoing evaluation of the child's progress and his or her changing enrichment needs. Included are "birth to three" programs and federal, state or local programs that address the needs of slightly older children or children not otherwise eligible for "birth to three" programs.
  • Equestrian Therapy (3)

    Equestrian Therapy


    Programs that provide opportunities for individuals with any of a wide range of disabilities and others (e.g., victims of assault or abuse, people who have recently suffered a tragic loss, incarcerated offenders, at risk youth) to relate to, handle, groom and ride horses as a part of an experiential habilitation or therapy program in which the horse serves as a co-facilitator or co-therapist. Equestrian therapy provides an experience with horses that fosters growth, communication skills, self-esteem, self-awareness, healing and personal transformation. Clients learn about themselves and others by participating in activities with the horses, and then discussing feelings, behaviors and patterns. Therapy goals for different populations may differ, e.g., treatment for children with autism may focus on behavior modification and improvement.
  • Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities (1)

    Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities


    Agency-owned or operated facilities that provide an alternative living environment for adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, emotional disabilities, multiple disabilities or chronic illnesses such as AIDS who are in need of personal services, supervision and/or assistance essential for self-protection or sustaining the activities of daily living and consequently are unable to live with their own families or in a more independent setting. Group residences for adults with disabilities may be licensed by the state and may be distinguished according to the level of service residents require. Service levels depend on the self-care skills residents possess, their limitations in the areas of physical coordination and mobility, and the presence and extent of behavior problems including disruptive or self-injurious behavior.
  • Health/Disability Related Counseling (2)

    Health/Disability Related Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who have a disability; who are concerned about or have any of a variety of illnesses, including those that may ultimately be fatal; or who have experienced the disabling or disfiguring effects of an illness, injury or surgery. The counseling may deal with the realities of having a disability or being ill, coping with their illness/disability, life adjustments required by their situation, and helping them evaluate their alternatives and make personal choices that will maximize their ability to function independently. Included are programs that provide counseling for individuals who have a family history of a particular health condition or disability and need assistance in coping with the emotional problems that are associated with having or being at risk for developing the condition.
  • Health/Disability Related Support Groups (2)

    Health/Disability Related Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have a disability, illness or other health condition, their families and friends. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share information, resources, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the disability or health problem.
  • Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs (2)

    Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs


    Programs for individuals with developmental disabilities that focus on enabling the individual to attain his or her maximum functional level and which may serve to reinforce skills or lessons taught in school, therapy or other settings. Services may be provided in the individual's home or outside the home in community-based settings.
  • In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs (1)

    In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs


    Programs that provide habilitation services whose goal is to help individuals with developmental disabilities who reside within the family home achieve maximum independence, integration, individualization and productivity in both home and community settings. Habilitation services include therapeutic activities, assistance, training, supervision and monitoring in the areas of self-care, sensory and motor development, interpersonal skills, communication, socialization, health care, leisure and recreation, money management, household chores and other self-help, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in the community.
  • Pediatric Developmental Assessment (1)

    Pediatric Developmental Assessment


    Programs that provide a comprehensive, structured evaluation of a child's cognitive/intellectual functioning, language and communication skills, independent living skills, social and emotional development and perceptual/motor functioning in order to identify individuals who show developmental delays, determine the nature and extent of the problem and recommend a course of treatment and care. Developmental assessments are generally offered by a developmental assessment specialist, or a team of professionals that can include a pediatrician, language specialist, audiologist, occupational therapist, child psychologist and child psychiatrist, among others. They involve age-adjusted questions regarding a child's growth, physical movements, behavior, play, and interactions with family members and the rest of the world as well as a series of tests that may include a physical exam, hearing and eye screenings, play observation, and standardized tests that present the child with specific tasks to determine areas of strength and weakness. They can also be used to identify individuals who have developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism and neurological impairments, in order to establish eligibility for state and federally funded programs.
  • Pediatric Developmental Screening (1)

    Pediatric Developmental Screening


    Programs that offer a procedure that is designed to identify children who should receive more intensive assessment or diagnosis for potential developmental delays. Screening tools can be specific to a disorder (e.g., autism), an area (e.g., cognitive development, language, or gross motor skills), or they may be general, encompassing multiple areas of concern; and rely heavily on parent observation. They do not provide conclusive evidence of developmental delays and do not result in diagnoses. A positive screening result should be followed by a thorough assessment. The goal of developmental screening is to allow for earlier detection of delays in order to improve child health and well-being for identified children.
  • Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities (2)

    Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities


    Programs that provide assistance for individuals with disabilities who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law. Included are federally mandated programs that are part of the formal protection and advocacy system which includes Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD), Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI), Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights (PAIR) and the Client Assistance Program (CAP); and independent organizations that provide the same types of services. Protection and advocacy programs provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under federal and state laws, for all people with disabilities and endeavor to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing and productive employment opportunities. The programs maintain a presence in facilities that care for people with disabilities where they monitor, investigate and attempt to remedy adverse conditions. CAP agencies (many of which are housed within protection and advocacy offices) provide information and assistance for individuals seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act, including assistance in pursuing administrative, legal and other appropriate remedies.
  • Service Animals (1)

    Service Animals


    Programs that provide and train recipients in the use of animals who have been taught to help individuals who have disabilities increase their mobility and independence and/or maximize their ability to communicate effectively.
  • Special Education for Learning Disabilities (1)
    HH-8000 * YF-4500

    Special Education for Learning Disabilities

    HH-8000 * YF-4500

    Programs that provide educational services including special placement and individualized programming, instruction and/or support services for exceptional children, youth and/or adults, including those who have hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, mental retardation and/or other developmental disabilities, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities or speech or language impairments and who need appropriately modified curricula, teaching methodologies and instructional materials in order to learn. Services may include the development, in partnership with the child's parents, of an individualized educational plan to meet the child's needs and the implementation and review at least annually of each child's plan to determine progress and future needs.

    A neurological disorder that affects one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using spoken or written language. The disability may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical calculations. Learning disabilities should not be confused with learning problems which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps; of mental retardation; of emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural or economic disadvantages.

  • Special Education Plan Development (1)

    Special Education Plan Development


    Programs that provide information, technical assistance and support which relates to the development, implementation, review and revision of Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities and/or Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for infants and toddlers with disabilities who are eligible for early intervention services. IEPs are written documents developed by a team that includes a child’s parents and school staff which lists, among other things, the special education services (including transition services) the child will receive. IFSPs document family involvement and early intervention services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities. The programs may target special education professionals and or parents; and help parents participate more effectively in the process.
  • Specialized Telecommunications Equipment (1)

    Specialized Telecommunications Equipment


    Programs that pay for or provide access to TTY equipment (also known as text telephones, TDDs and telecommunication devices for the deaf), or other specialized telecommunications devices such as voice carry-over telephones, amplified telephones, telebraillers, voice-activated telephones, captioned telephone, sip-n-puff telephones or large visual displays for use at home or in the office by people who are deaf or hearing impaired, have speech disabilities or physical limitations, or need to communicate with a person with a hearing impairment or speech disability. Included are programs that pay for or loan such equipment to people with disabilities or organizations serving them, or which operate sites where such equipment is available for use by the public.
  • Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits (2)

    Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits


    Programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that provide monthly payments to veterans who are disabled and were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions, their dependent children, surviving spouses and parents. Included are compensation benefits for veterans with service-connected disabilities; and pension benefits for veterans with limited incomes who are age 65 or older or are permanently and totally disabled as a result of a condition not related to military service. Veterans who are more seriously disabled may qualify for Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits which are paid in addition to the basic compensation or pension rate. A veteran cannot receive both Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits at the same time.