Does your child have pain or
cramping in the belly?
This also includes injuries to the belly.
How old are you?
Less than 3 months
Less than 3 months
3 months to 11 years
3 months to 11 years
12 years or older
12 years or older
Are you male or female?
Why do we ask this question?
If you are transgender or nonbinary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where you are having symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t related to those organs, you can choose the gender you identify with. If you have some organs of both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Has your child had surgery on the chest or belly in the past 2 weeks?
Recent abdominal surgery
Recent abdominal surgery
Has your child swallowed or inhaled an object?
Swallowed or inhaled object
Swallowed or inhaled object
Does your baby seem sick?
A sick baby probably will not be acting normally. For example, the baby may be much fussier than usual or not want to eat.
How sick do you think your baby is?
Extremely sick
Baby is very sick (limp and not responsive)
Baby is sick (sleepier than usual, not eating or drinking like usual)
Moderate dehydration
Are the symptoms severe, moderate, or mild?
Moderate dehydration
Is your child having trouble drinking enough to replace the fluids he or she has lost?
Little sips of fluid usually are not enough. The child needs to be able to take in and keep down plenty of fluids.
Unable to drink enough fluids
Able to drink enough fluids
Does your child have pain in the belly?
How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine?
8 to 10: Severe pain
Severe pain
5 to 7: Moderate pain
Moderate pain
1 to 4: Mild pain
Mild pain
Does the belly feel hard when you touch it?
Normally the belly is soft and has some "give." A hard, rigid belly may be a sign of a more serious problem.
Abdomen is hard (rigid) to the touch
Abdomen is hard (rigid) to the touch
Does pressing on the belly cause severe pain?
Pressing on abdomen causes severe pain
Pressing on abdomen causes severe pain
Has the pain:
Gotten worse?
Pain is increasing
Stayed about the same (not better or worse)?
Pain is unchanged
Gotten better?
Pain is improving
How long has your child had pain?
Less than 4 hours
Less than 4 hours
4 hours but less than 1 day (24 hours)
4 hours but less than 1 day (24 hours)
More than 3 days
More than 3 days
Does the belly hurt all over or mostly in one area?
Pain that is most intense in just one area is likely to be more serious than a bellyache that hurts all over.
Mostly in one area
Localized pain
Pain in lower right part of belly
Pain in lower right part of belly
Does your child have pain with a new bulge in the belly button or groin?
Pain with new bulge in navel or groin
Pain with new bulge in navel or groin
Is your child nauseated or vomiting?
Nauseated means you feel sick to your stomach, like you are going to vomit.
Within the past week, has your child had an injury to the abdomen, like a blow to the belly or a hard fall?
Abdominal injury within past week
Abdominal injury within past week
Since the injury, has there been any bleeding from the rectum, urethra, or vagina?
Bleeding from rectum, vaginal or urethra since injury
Bleeding from rectum, vaginal or urethra since injury
Is there a belly wound that is deeper than a scratch?
Do you suspect that the injury may have been caused by abuse?
This is a standard question that we ask in certain topics. It may not apply to you. But asking it of everyone helps us to get people the help they need.
Injury may have been caused by abuse
Injury may have been caused by abuse
Has your child vomited since the injury?
Is there pain just below the ribs?
Pain just below the ribs after an injury can be a symptom of serious damage to the liver or spleen.
Do you think your baby has a fever?
Did you take a rectal temperature?
Taking a rectal temperature is the only way to be sure that a baby this age does not have a fever. If you don't know the rectal temperature, it's safest to assume the baby has a fever and needs to be seen by a doctor. Any problem that causes a fever at this age could be serious.
Rectal temperature taken
Rectal temperature taken
Is it 100.4°F (38°C) or higher?
Temperature at least 100.4°F (38°C)
Temperature at least 100.4°F (38°C)
Do you think your child has a fever?
Did you take your child's temperature?
How high is the fever? The answer may depend on
how you took the temperature .
NOTE : Most people have an average body temperature of about 98.6°F (37°C). But it can vary by a degree or more and still be considered normal. If a low body temperature is your only symptom, it’s usually not something to worry about. But be sure to watch for other symptoms.
High: 104°F (40°C) or higher, oral
High fever: 104°F (40°C) or higher, oral
Moderate: 100.4°F (38°C) to 103.9°F (39.9°C), oral
Moderate fever: 100.4°F (38°C) to 103.9°F (39.9°C), oral
Mild: 100.3°F (37.9°C) or lower, oral
Mild fever: 100.3°F (37.9°C) or lower, oral
How high do you think the fever is?
Feels fever is moderate
Mild or low
Feels fever is mild
How long has your child had a fever?
Less than 2 days (48 hours)
Fever for less than 2 days
From 2 days to less than 1 week
Fever for more than 2 days and less than 1 week
1 week or longer
Fever for 1 week or more
Does your child have a health problem or take medicine that
weakens his or her immune system ?
Disease or medicine that causes immune system problems
Disease or medicine that causes immune system problems
Does your child have shaking chills or very heavy sweating?
Shaking chills are a severe, intense form of shivering. Heavy sweating means that sweat is pouring off the child or soaking through his or her clothes.
Shaking chills or heavy sweating
Shaking chills or heavy sweating
How much blood is there?
More than a few drops. Blood is mixed in with the stool, not just on the surface.
More than a few drops of blood on stool or diaper
A few drops on the stool or diaper
A few drops of blood in stool or diaper
Does your child have diabetes?
Is your child's diabetes getting
out of control because your child is sick?
Diabetes is affected by illness
Diabetes is affected by illness
Is the plan helping get your child's blood sugar under control?
Diabetes illness plan working
Diabetes illness plan not working
How fast is it getting out of control?
Quickly (over several hours)
Blood sugar quickly worsening
Slowly (over days)
Blood sugar slowly worsening
Do you think that a
medicine could be causing the belly pain?
Think about whether the belly pain started after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine.
Medicine may be causing abdominal pain
Medicine may be causing abdominal pain
Have your child's symptoms lasted longer than 1 week?
Child's symptoms have lasted longer than 1 week
Child's symptoms have lasted longer than 1 week
Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may need. These include:
Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker.Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner.Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, herbal remedies, or supplements can cause symptoms or make them worse.Recent health events , such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious.Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel.Try Home Treatment You have answered all the questions. Based on your answers, you may be able to take care of this problem at home.
Try home treatment to relieve the symptoms. Call your doctor if symptoms get worse or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms are not getting better as you would expect). You may need care sooner. With cramping pain in the belly:
The pain may hurt a little or a lot. The amount of pain may change from minute to minute. Cramps often get better when you pass gas or have a bowel movement. The pain may feel like a tightness or pinching in your belly. The pain may be in one specific area or be over a larger area. It may move around. Babies can quickly get dehydrated when they lose fluids because of problems like vomiting or fever.
Symptoms of dehydration can range from mild to severe. For example:
The baby may be fussy or cranky (mild dehydration), or the baby may be very sleepy and hard to wake up (severe dehydration). The baby may have a little less urine than usual (mild dehydration), or the baby may not be urinating at all (severe dehydration). You can get dehydrated when you lose a lot of fluids because of problems like vomiting or fever.
Symptoms of dehydration can range from mild to severe. For example:
You may feel tired and edgy (mild dehydration), or you may feel weak, not alert, and not able to think clearly (severe dehydration). You may pass less urine than usual (mild dehydration), or you may not be passing urine at all (severe dehydration). Severe dehydration means:
The baby may be very sleepy and hard to wake up. The baby may have a very dry mouth and very dry eyes (no tears). The baby may have no wet diapers in 12 or more hours. Moderate dehydration means:
The baby may have no wet diapers in 6 hours. The baby may have a dry mouth and dry eyes (fewer tears than usual). Mild dehydration means:
The baby may pass a little less urine than usual. Severe dehydration means:
The child's mouth and eyes may be extremely dry. The child may pass little or no urine for 12 or more hours. The child may not seem alert or able to think clearly. The child may be too weak or dizzy to stand. The child may pass out. Moderate dehydration means:
The child may be a lot more thirsty than usual. The child's mouth and eyes may be drier than usual. The child may pass little or no urine for 8 or more hours. The child may feel dizzy when he or she stands or sits up. Mild dehydration means:
The child may be more thirsty than usual. The child may pass less urine than usual. If you're not sure if a child's fever is high, moderate, or mild, think about these issues:
With a high fever :
The child feels very hot. It is likely one of the highest fevers the child has ever had. With a moderate fever :
The child feels warm or hot. You are sure the child has a fever. With a mild fever :
The child may feel a little warm. You think the child might have a fever, but you're not sure. A baby that is extremely sick :
May be limp and floppy like a rag doll. May not respond at all to being held, touched, or talked to. May be hard to wake up. A baby that is sick (but not extremely sick):
May be sleepier than usual. May not eat or drink as much as usual. Pain in children under 3 years
It can be hard to tell how much pain a baby or toddler is in.
Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that the baby cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable, and cries constantly no matter what you do. The baby may kick, make fists, or grimace.Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The baby is very fussy, clings to you a lot, and may have trouble sleeping but responds when you try to comfort him or her.Mild pain (1 to 4) : The baby is a little fussy and clings to you a little but responds when you try to comfort him or her.Pain in children 3 years and older
Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that the child can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. No one can tolerate severe pain for more than a few hours.Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The pain is bad enough to disrupt the child's normal activities and sleep, but the child can tolerate it for hours or days.Mild pain (1 to 4) : The child notices and may complain of the pain, but it is not bad enough to disrupt his or her sleep or activities.Shock is a life-threatening condition that may occur quickly after a sudden illness or injury.
Babies and young children often have several symptoms of shock. These include:
Passing out (losing consciousness). Being very sleepy or hard to wake up. Not responding when being touched or talked to. Breathing much faster than usual. Acting confused. The child may not know where he or she is. Blood in the stool can come from anywhere in the digestive tract, such as the stomach or intestines. Depending on where the blood is coming from and how fast it is moving, it may be bright red, reddish brown, or black like tar.
A little bit of bright red blood on the stool or on the toilet paper is often caused by mild irritation of the rectum. For example, this can happen if you have to strain hard to pass a stool or if you have a hemorrhoid.
A large amount of blood in the stool may mean a more serious problem is present. For example, if there is a lot of blood in the stool, not just on the surface, you may need to call your doctor right away. If there are just a few drops on the stool or in the diaper, you may need to let your doctor know today to discuss your symptoms. Black stools may mean you have blood in the digestive tract that may need treatment right away, or may go away on its own.
Certain medicines and foods can affect the color of stool . Diarrhea medicines (such as Pepto-Bismol) and iron tablets can make the stool black. Eating lots of beets may turn the stool red. Eating foods with black or dark blue food coloring can turn the stool black.
If you take aspirin or some other medicine (called a blood thinner) that prevents blood clots, it can cause some blood in your stools. If you take a blood thinner and have ongoing blood in your stools, call your doctor to discuss your symptoms.
Certain health conditions and medicines weaken the immune system's ability to fight off infection and illness. Some examples in children are:
Diseases such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and congenital heart disease. Steroid medicines, which are used to treat a variety of conditions. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer. Not having a spleen. Temperature varies a little depending on how you measure it. For children up to 11 years old, here are the ranges for high, moderate, and mild according to how you took the temperature.
Oral (by mouth), ear, or rectal temperature
High: 104° F (40° C) and higher Moderate: 100.4° F (38° C) to 103.9° F (39.9° C) Mild: 100.3° F (37.9° C) and lower A forehead (temporal) scanner is usually 0.5° F (0.3° C) to 1° F (0.6° C) lower than an oral temperature.
Armpit (axillary) temperature
High: 103° F (39.5° C) and higher Moderate: 99.4° F (37.4° C) to 102.9° F (39.4° C) Mild: 99.3° F (37.3° C) and lower Note: For children under 5 years old, rectal temperatures are the most accurate.
It is easy for your diabetes to become out of control when you are sick. Because of an illness:
Your blood sugar may be too high or too low. You may not be able take your diabetes medicine (if you are vomiting or having trouble keeping food or fluids down). You may not know how to adjust the timing or dose of your diabetes medicine. You may not be eating enough or drinking enough fluids. An illness plan for people with diabetes usually covers things like:
How often to test blood sugar and what the target range is. Whether and how to adjust the dose and timing of insulin or other diabetes medicines. What to do if you have trouble keeping food or fluids down. When to call your doctor. The plan is designed to help keep your diabetes in control even though you are sick. When you have diabetes, even a minor illness can cause problems.
Many prescription and nonprescription medicines can cause belly pain or cramping. A few examples are:
Aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), and naproxen (such as Aleve). Antibiotics. Antidiarrheals. Laxatives. Iron supplements. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may need care soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care.
Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms and arrange for care. If you cannot reach your doctor or you don't have one, seek care today. If it is evening, watch the symptoms and seek care in the morning. If the symptoms get worse, seek care sooner. Seek Care Now Based on your answers, you may need care right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care.
Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms and arrange for care. If you cannot reach your doctor or you don't have one, seek care in the next hour. You do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Call 911 Now Based on your answers, you need emergency care.
Call 911 or other emergency services now .
Sometimes people don't want to call 911 . They may think that their symptoms aren't serious or that they can just get someone else to drive them. Or they might be concerned about the cost. But based on your answers, the safest and quickest way for you to get the care you need is to call 911 for medical transport to the hospital.
Make an Appointment Based on your answers, the problem may not improve without medical care.
Make an appointment to see your doctor in the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get worse or you have any concerns, call your doctor. You may need care sooner. Swallowed or Inhaled Objects
Postoperative Problems
Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older